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Association Benefit Package

Welcome to the Florida VRMA Member Benefits page. 

It's always your first question, "Why Should I Join The FAVR"?

Joining an association is always a wise decision for any homeowner, business owner or investor when that association provides several key things, A Voice, A Support Mechanism and Protection from external forces trying to disrupt your hard work and investment.

Being part of a strong statewide association like the FAVR, provides a number of benefits both short and long term to grow your business. Industry facts show that businesses belonging to Chambers of Commerce and associations like the FAVR provide a comfort level for consumers. They are 60% more likely to do business with you if you are a member in good standing of a qualified business association and display your credentials. 

The FAVR provides 30 years of history as a trade association supporting Florida Vacation Rentals. 

Our members join for many reasons. Some want to actively participate, while others just want us to be their voice and represent their interests on matters that benefit their concerns. It's up to you, you decide how much you would like to be involved and we will constantly keep you up to speed on this rapidly changing industry. 

If you own, rent or provide services to anyone in the vacation rental/tourism market you need to be a member. 

One voice is not nearly as powerful as many voices that represent a larger portion of the industry. Just being a member adds to that voice politically and economically. 

Lets break the benefits down by groups:

The Voice that speaks on your behalf. 

The FAVR regularly presents in front of elected officials, government bodies and tourism partners. Being able to share how large we are as an association, how many properties our members represent, in addition to the economic impact benefits provided to cities, counties and the state, are all part of our industry voice. 

Your membership dues help us to play an important role in local government affairs and state level lobbying efforts. Over 1/3 of our annual budget is dedicated to protecting your Florida Vacation Rental interests. 

Support Through Programs

Like many industry associations we provide the tools for you to grow your business. We offer endless programs for personal and professional growth, for you and all of your employees.

Certificate based education programs.

Monthly meetings, webinars and networking sessions.

Job Posting Board


Legislative Updates

Conferences and trade shows statewide

Chapter meetings region by region

Discounts for member to member services

Over 6 committees to participate in. 

Protecting Our Industry Through Action & Advocacy

The FAVR has its own supportive Political Action Committee supporting candidates that support us.

We assemble rallies and calls to action in response to harsh local regulations and over-reach by government.

Access to the best legal connections to offer legal support for all of your industry needs. 

A full day of lobbying at the statehouse each year to inform our state legislators about our industry and concerns.

Member to Member Discounts

Do you have a discount that you would like to share with fellow FVRMA members? Please contact Jodi Foster at: to post.

Take advantage of these member-only savings:

Sign Me Up

For additional information call us at 407-201-0120 or email
7862 W Irlo Bronson Hwy. Suite 305
Kissimmee FL 34747

If you are a CiiRUS Software user take advantage of our new Affiliate Membership At No Cost. 
Just go to our membership sign up page and select Affiliate Membership with sponsor.
Go here now! Member Signup / Information